Getting Started


This assignment is due on 5/3. It has an extra credit component that works as follows:

  • The top 5 submissions get a linearly decreasing grade starting at 2% (rank 1 gets 2%, rank 2 gets 1.9%, all the way until rank 9 that gets 1.6%)

  • 0.3% of your total grade if go under 7900 I/Os. This will be additive to your rank-achieved extra-credit.

You can use gradescope to access the leaderboard and see the position of your submission. Your submission’s ranking is updated every time when any team submits a new gradescope submission.


Partners are allowed for this project. We recommend keeping the same project partner as the partner you have for Project 4, to avoid risk of plagiarism.


This assignment requires that you have a complete and functioning implementation of Projects 2 and 3. We will be copying over the files from your Project 2 and 3 in order to complete this assignment. The easiest way to test that your Project 2 and 3 implementations are sufficient is to run the TestContest tests and ensure that they pass. You are free to modify the Project 2 and 3 files locally to ensure that they pass, to help you finish this Extra Credit assignment.

Fetching the released code

The GitHub Classroom link for this project is in the Project 4 competition release post on Edstem. Once your private repo is set up clone the Project 4 competition skeleton code onto your local machine.

Copying over your local Projects 2 and 3

Next, as mentioned before, you will be copying over your completed Project 2 and 3 submissions in order to complete the rest of this assignment.

  1. Make sure you pull down the most recent version of your Project 2 and 3 submissions by running git pull in the respective repositories

  2. Run the script. This script will prompt you to enter the directories for your previous projects, and copy the files over.

Note: There will be no office hours support for this project. You may post any questions on Edstem.

Last updated