Getting Started


This project is due Thursday, 2/6/2025 at 11:59PM PST (GMT-8). It is worth 5% of your overall grade in the class.

A gentle reminder that though our projects have tight release schedules, projects don't tend to take the entire time given to complete them :)


You should watch the SQL I lecture before beginning this project. Later questions will require material from the SQL II lecture.

Academic Integrity Policy

As a member of the UC Berkeley community, I act with honesty, integrity, and respect for others.” — UC Berkeley Honor Code

Read through the academic integrity guidelines here. We will be running plagiarism detection software on every submission against our own database of this semester's submissions, past submissions, and publicly hosted implementations on platforms such as GitHub and GitLab, followed by a thorough manual review process. Plagiarism on any assignment will result in a non-reportable warning and a grade penalty based on the severity of the infraction.

As long as you follow the guidelines, there isn't anything to worry about here. While we do rely on software to find possible cases of academic dishonesty, every case is reviewed by multiple TAs who can filter out false positives.

Fetching the released code

The GitHub Classroom link for this project is in the Project 1 release post on Edstem. Once your private repo is set up clone the project 1 skeleton code onto your local machine.

Debugging Issues with GitHub Classroom

Feel free to skip this section if you don't have any issues with GitHub Classroom. If you are having issues (i.e. the page froze or some error message appeared), first check if you have access to your repo at, replacing username with your GitHub username. If you have access to your repo and the starter code is there, then you can proceed as usual.

404 Not Found

If you're getting a 404 not found page when trying to access your repo, make sure you've set up your repo using the GitHub Classroom link in the Project 1 release post on Edstem.

If you don't have access to your repo at all after following these steps, feel free to contact the course staff on Edstem.

Required Software


Check if you already have sqlite3 instead by opening a terminal and running sqlite3 --version. Any version at 3.8.3 or higher should be fine.

If you don't already have SQLite on your machine, the simplest way to start using it is to download a precompiled binary from the SQLite website.


  1. Visit the download page linked above and navigate to the section Precompiled Binaries for Windows. Click on the link sqlite-tools-win32-x86-*.zip to download the binary.

  2. Unzip the file. There should be a sqlite3.exe file in the directory after extraction.

  3. Navigate to the folder containing the sqlite3.exe file and check that the version is at least 3.8.3: cd path/to/sqlite_folder ./sqlite3 --version

  4. Move the sqlite3.exe executable into your sp25-proj1-yourname directory (the same place as the proj1.sql file)

macOS Yosemite (10.10), El Capitan (10.11), Sierra (10.12)

SQLite comes pre-installed. Check that you have a version that's greater than 3.8.3 sqlite3 --version

Mac OS X Mavericks (10.9) or older

SQLite comes pre-installed, but it is the wrong version.

  1. Visit the download page linked above and navigate to the section Precompiled Binaries for Mac OS X (x86). Click on the link sqlite-tools-osx-x86-*.zip to download the binary.

  2. Unzip the file. There should be a sqlite3 file in the directory after extraction.

  3. Navigate to the folder containing the sqlite3 file and check that the version is at least 3.8.3: cd path/to/sqlite_folder ./sqlite3 --version

  4. Move the sqlite3 file into your sp25-proj1-yourname directory (the same place as the proj1.sql file)


Install with sudo apt install sqlite3

For other Linux distributions you'll need to find sqlite3 on your appropriate package manager. Alternatively you can follow the Mac OS X (10.9) or older instructions substituting the Mac OS X binary for one from Precompiled Binaries for Linux.


You'll need a copy of Python 3.5 or higher to run the tests for this project locally. You can check if you already have an existing copy by running python3 --version in a terminal. If you don't already have a working copy download and install one for your appropriate platform from here.

Download and extract the data set

Download the data set for this project from the course's Google Drive here. You should get a file called Unzip the file inside your sp25-proj1-yourname directory. You should now have a lahman.db file in your sp25-proj1-yourname directory (the same place as the proj1.sql file)

Running the tests

If you followed the instructions above you should now be able to test your code. Navigate to your project directory and try using python3 You should get output similar to the following:

FAIL q0 see diffs/q0.txt
FAIL q1i see diffs/q1i.txt
FAIL q1ii see diffs/q1ii.txt
FAIL q1iii see diffs/q1iii.txt
FAIL q1iv see diffs/q1iv.txt
FAIL q2i see diffs/q2i.txt
FAIL q2ii see diffs/q2ii.txt
FAIL q2iii see diffs/q2iii.txt
FAIL q3i see diffs/q3i.txt
FAIL q3ii see diffs/q3ii.txt
FAIL q3iii see diffs/q3iii.txt
FAIL q4i see diffs/q4i.txt
FAIL q4ii_bins_0_to_8 see diffs/q4ii_bins_0_to_8.txt
FAIL q4ii_bin_9 see diffs/q4ii_bin_9.txt
FAIL q4iii see diffs/q4iii.txt
FAIL q4iv see diffs/q4iv.txt
FAIL q4v see diffs/q4v.txt

If so, move on to the next section to start the project. If you see ERRORinstead of FAIL create a followup on Edstem with details from your your_output/ folder.

Last updated